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Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Weekly

Italian Fest: All Italian, All Weekend!
March 11 & 12
Old Village Hall Restaurant and Pub

"Over the Back Fence" Community Variety Show:
The theme of "Over the Back Fence"
this month is 'Stormy Weather.' Featuring local
talent as well as musical guest John Smith, a
much-traveled and much-loved singer &
songwriter from Wisconsin. Show re-broadcast
on Sunday nine days later on KFIL 103.1fm.
March 11; 7:30 – 9
St. Mane Theatre

Songwriting Workshop with JohnSmith:
You will be encouraged to cultivate your own
unique voice as songwriters. Beginers welcome!
You do not even need to play a musical
instrument. JohnSmith will explore the technical
'nuts and bolts' of songwriting--verse, chorus,
bridge, melody, rhythm, rhymes, etc. Through
visualization exercises, group performances, and
personal demonstrations, we will coax and
cultivate each person's inner muse. While
creating a safe and supportive workshop climate,
we will be giving and receiving constructive
feedback as a group. JohnSmith will assist
individuals with experimenting and incorporating
this feedback into works, bridging inspiration and
craft. If there is interest, we may incorporate
issues involved with recording and live
performances. Feel free to bring samples of
songs/poems that inspire you. Bring an open
heart and a curious mind. You are also
encouraged to bring a simple recording device.
March 12; 10 am – 2 pm
St. Mane Theatre 467-2446
Fee is $20-$40
"whatever you can afford!"

Victorian House Green Tea
March 12; 1 – 3 pm
Victorian House B&B and Events

Concert: John Smith:
John Smith performing
really excellent, upbeat, touching folk music:
vocals and guitar. "...What you should know
about JohnSmith is that he is the real deal. A
singer/songwriter who has found his voice and
his place and will take you there through his
music. I think it speaks for itself, directly from his
heart to yours. I promise you will be moved,"
says one of the most consistent writers of quality songs that I know.” Lydia Hutchinson, Editor,
March 12; 7:30 pm
Historic St. Mane Theatre
$12/ $10 LAC Members

St. Patrick's Church Dinner:
The menu includes:
Chicken Breast Supreme, Dressing,
Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Peas & Yellow Squash,
Pistachio Salad, Coleslaw, Dinner Rolls, Dessert,
Coffee & Milk.
March 13; 11 am – 1:30 pm
St. Patrick’s Church Hall
Carryouts available,
467- 2480
$9 Adults/
$4 children (5-10)
Free 4 and under

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