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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cleaning Tips!

26 tips for cleaning, restoring, and fixing! A lot of them were surprising to me... be sure to read through the whole list; there are lots of things I’m going to try as soon as spring comes around!

List derived from

1. Remove grease spots in your garage with kitty litter. This is best done when the oil has been freshly spilled, but the kitty litter can also help soak up oil from old stains. (Good thing I have a kitty now! ;)

2. A crumpled handful aluminum foil can be used to scrub pans if you’re out of scrubbing brushes. 

3. Keep your silverware from tarnishing by storing it on top of a sheet of aluminum foil.

4. Polish your silverware and leather using a banana skin. Buff with a soft cloth when you're done. (This sounds so strange to me...but I imagine it might work on shoes too?)

5. Coffee or tea stains can be removed from rugs with beer.

6. Dishwasher detergent can easily be replaced using 2T baking soda and 2T borax.

7. To clean your washing machine, run a full cycle with no clothes and 3 cups of vinegar. (Does anyone know how often washing machine needs to be cleaned? I had never heard of the fact, and I’m pretty sure my mom has never done it..right, mom?)

8. Baking soda can be used as a de-icer on slippery sidewalks. (It may not be a lot cheaper, but I may try this after our next Minnesnowta ice storm!)
9. Sprinkle a bit of Borax in your toilet and let it sit for 5 minutes before cleaning with brush or rag. The bowl will be disinfected without using bleach.

10. Use white bread to clean walls and wallpaper. Make sure you cut the crust off to avoid scratches. This is an alternative for Mr. Clean wipes or sponges...and is a better use for white bread than eating it would be! (I’m a bit of a health freak, and VERY against white bread.)

11. Fix a sticky drawer by rubbing a candle on the runners. 

12. Use small pieces of banana skins to deter aphids in your garden by burying them near the insect prone plants. Cut the pieces small so other critters are not attracted.

13. Keep your freezer from smelling by putting a couple of bowls of coffee grounds inside overnight. (Excellent idea! I was just noticing today that my freezer really does smell...)

14. Slice wine corks thinly to create your own non-skin pads for vases and other decorations to avoid scratching your furniture. (I LOVE this. I think cork is so cool, and this is a great use for it!)

15. Buff your stainless steel sink with flour to keep it shiny and new looking.

16. Prevent a frozen car or bike lock by placing a fridge magnet on the lock overnight during a rain or snow storm. (This would have been helpful to know last year...I left my bike at one apartment and a sudden snowstorm froze the lock solid! Matt and I had a terrible time getting it out...)

17. Smooth caulk using an ice cube to avoid having it stick to your finger. This will also create a consistent and controllable line.
18. Use a strong salt water solution to get the grime left over from a wilted bouquet of flowers in a vase. A soak and strong shake should get most of it off with minimal effort. (Who doesn’t forget flowers in a vase too long?)

19. Keep your garden tools in a bucket of sand to keep them looking newer longer. (Definite to-do for spring and summer!)

20. Clean rough plaster walls using nylon socks to avoid lint that is left behind with regular rags. (I have noticed this lint annoyance when trying to clean walls at the Inn.)

21. Use clean leftover aluminum foil to sharpen scissors by folding multiple layers of foil into a pad then cutting into the pad a few times.

22. Clean and polish your windows with newspaper instead of paper towels or rags to avoid lint.

23. Shine your mirrors using a pot of strong tea that has cooled. First wipe the mirror using the tea then buff it with a dry rag. (Has anyone tried this? My mirrors are about due for a cleaning...)

24. Untreated wicker furniture can look new again if you scrub it with a stiff brush dipped in salt water. Doing this every year will keep your outdoor wicker furniture looking fresh. (Another Inn to-do!)

25. Before you throw it in the dump heap, repair cracked china by submerging it in milk and bringing it to a boil. As soon as it starts to boil lower the heat and simmer it for about 45 minutes. The milk protein can repair fine cracks.

26. Slow the drying of plaster by adding a couple of tablespoons of white vinegar to the mixture to give you some more working time.

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