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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Healthy Food #1

So, if you read a few posts ago, you would know that I mentioned a bunch of foods suggested by Mayo Clinic that we should be eating. As such, Matt and I went out and bought a few strange new fruits and vegetables (eggplant, artichokes, spinach, and a cantaloupe--ok, that one's not so strange) and we are dedicated to making them taste good! And finding out how to actually use them...

Anyway, this is the first of several posts I will be making that will include these "healthy foods" in recipes. Upon getting home from the grocery store, Matt proceeded to attempt preparation of the artichokes for a sort of dip. They are very complicated! The best way to prepare them, which we may have the hang of after 2 tries, is to follow these directions:

1. Cut about one inch off of the top, "leafy" part of the artichoke.
2. Starting at the base of the artichoke, peel all outer leaves off of it
3. Cut one inch off of the stem
4. Cut all remaining leaf pieces/green part off of the base
5. Quarter the stem/heart piece you have left
6. rub edges with lemon if you are concerned about browning

After doing this, we put the stem and heart pieces of two artichokes into a food processor along with two avacodos. Add some hot sauce, salt and pepper, and lemon juice, and you have a great artichoke guacamole!

More recipes to come...I recently made a potato/leek soup that turned out great!

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